July 4 Weekend Events

July 4th is always our busiest weekends of the year, and with the 4th being on a Monday it will be even moreso this year. With it being the biggest backyard party event in Northern Kentucky, we have a few changes for events. First off, all dry units and single lane waterslides will have a $25 4th fee, and dual lane slides have a $50 4th fee. Any event start time before 2pm will have a $40 priority delivery fee, and is subject to availability.

The Fourth is also one of the highest risk events for our inflatables for the same reason it’s one of the highest risk weekends for our community’s fingers and thumbs. Fireworks, including the still several hundred degree falling charred remains of them, quickly damage inflatables permanently. All inflatables must be kept away from fireworks and their falling debris, and this includes your neighbors’ fireworks. You will be held liable for any damaged caused to rental equipment while it is in your possession. This includes but is not limited to fireworks damage, whether it comes from your or your neighbors’ displays, dogs thinking you got them a 500 lb chew toy, whether it’s your dog or your neighbors, and inebriated 350 lb riders busting the seams of the slides, regardless of whether it’s you or the neighbor.

Our available delivery slots are filling up fast at the time of this writing (June 2). We do have a lot of availability on Monday, July 4 still. July 2 and 3 are quickly running out of space however.